We advise economic groups, companies, families and individuals on transactions and projects that allow them to embark on a new course, achieve a dream or even change their destiny.

  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Financial restructuring
  • Capital raisings
  • Debt restructuring
  • Company valuations

Identifying opportunities is in our DNA. We seek and structure alternative private investments that provide profitability to our clients. We do it with a practical, serious approach and with the flexibility to wait for the opportune moment to close high-value deals.

We take advantage of our experience managing these projects and thus generating co-investment platforms for our clients.

We understand the importance of leaving a legacy and transcending time. This is what inspires us to help families and individuals manage their wealth, always from a prudent perspective, while continuing to explore and analyze new opportunities.

We know that each client has a different profile. For this reason, we get involved to learn its nuances, understand what moves it and together find investment solutions that adapt to its identity.

We specialize in those who seek to diversify highly concentrated portfolios or who need advice on the management of financial assets, and together we look for new investment alternatives.

Search Funds (an investment vehicle designed to financially support the Searcher) seek to acquire a small or medium-sized company that faces succession problems, with recurring income, positive cash flows and low capital needs. Once the company is acquired, the Searcher becomes the CEO and minority shareholder of the company with an attractive incentive plan and the investors become shareholders of the company.

Altis Global Search Funds Opportunity (AGSFO) is a private investment fund, which invests in Search Funds with a focus on Europe and North America. It offers the opportunity to invest in a unique and difficult to access asset class through the world's first systematic program for investing in Search Funds: NCA ETA Program. This allows AGSFO to diversify both geographically and industry, and obtain returns not correlated with public markets.

When it comes to investing, it is key to have the best networks that provide diversity of opportunities and breadth of horizons.

At ALTIS we have alliances with some of the most important managers of mutual funds and international alternative assets. A bond that has not only been built on the basis of trust and long-term relationships, but also through the choice of managers with whom we share a way of working, philosophy and values. All this allows us to offer a wide range of investment products for institutional clients and private investment banks in Latin America.